09 Mar The 3 most important things to consider when purchasing a lot for your future home.
The value of a house can vary significantly depending on its location.
Remember that your lot’s location is a decision that will impact the quality of your life.
Here are some tips to consider when you’re looking for the perfect location:
– Safety is always first.
Make sure your lot is in a safe neighborhood- with little to no crime rates.
-Check out the nearby schools.
If you’re a parent or planning to become one soon, make sure you search for the schools in
the neighborhood where you are considering to purchase your lot. If at all possible, try
visiting the schools, talking to the teachers and think about how long your daily drive to
school would be.
-Consider your daily commute.
If you have to drive to the same destination daily, whether it is for work or leisure, make
sure that the drive is a comfortable distance for you.
-Community, Entertainment & Convenience.
Do you feel like your home MUST be less than 5 minutes away from a grocery store? Or do
you want to be close to the beach? These are all things you must consider too.
2) Make the most out of your budget.
Before falling in love with a specific location, make sure you’ve researched prices of other
nearby properties to make sure you’re paying a fair price for the lot.
In addition, there are plenty of ways you could save money on the construction of your new
home. For example, having a fully customizable home sounds nice- but it could get pricey,
really quickly. An alternative to a fully customized home is a semi-customizable home
where you still get to pick your favorite styles and colors, and at the same time, benefit
from fantastic designs that have been hand-picked by experienced builders.
3) Hire an experienced builder to do the job.
Make sure that you, your family, and your investment are in good hands. Adobe Homes has
extensive experience in this field, and has been helping families create their dream homes
for over 30 years! If you’re interested in building one of our homes on your lot, give us a
call – we’d love to chat!